Certificates granted to VUZ
Title | Description | Downloadable documents |
VUZ has its own quality management system certified in accordance with ISO 9001:2015 Quality Management Systems – Requirements |
VUZ Testing Centre Velim has a certified management system for environmental protection, occupational health and safety and energy management according to ISO 14001, ISO 45001 and ISO 50001. | ISO 14001 ISO 45001 ISO 50001 |
Services provided by VUZ
Title | Description | Downloadable documents |
Authorized body AO 258; Notified body (NoBo) No. 1714 in EU | VUZ is the Authorized Body No. AO 258 and the Notified Body (NoBo) No. 1714 assessing the structural subsystems Infrastructure, Energy, Rolling Stock and Trackside and On-board Control-Command Systems and Signalling, including the relevant interoperability constituents. The authorization for these activities was granted to VUZ by the ÚNMZ (Czech Office for Standards, Metrology and Testing) Decision No. 7/2020. If the applicant does not have their own ISO 9001 certificate issued by an accredited certification body, VUZ is able to certify the quality system according to ČSN EN ISO/IEC 17021-1 for TSI needs using a non-accredited quality system certification body. | |
Accredited inspection body No. 4056 (IO) |
Inspection activities of the Body (Type A), assessing conformity and assessing the process of risk management in the field of the railway system for the subsystems rolling stock, energy, infrastructure, trackside control-command systems and signalling and on-board control-command systems and signalling as defined in the Annex to the Certificate of Accreditation. | File |
Accredited Certification Body for products No. 3149 (COV) | Certification and assessment of conformity of rolling stock, rolling stock parts, railways and railway parts pursuant to the Act on Rail Systems and relevant implementing regulations as defined by the Annex to the Certificate of Accreditation. | File
Accredited Testing Laboratory No. 1462 (ZL) |
Tests in the field of rolling stock and equipment, their parts and materials as defined by the Annex to the Certificate of Accreditation. |
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Certification Body for Quality Systems (COSJ) | Accredited certification of quality management systems according to ČSN EN ISO/IEC 17021-1 as defined by the Annex to the Certificate of Accreditation. | File |
Authorized legal person within the Czech Republic | Performance of tests of rail vehicles for railway and tramway, test operation of rolling stock in the extent according to the Decision of the Ministry of Transport of the Czech Republic. | |
Authorized legal person in the Slovak Republic | Performance of tests of rail for railway, tramway and special rail lines in the extent according to the Decision of the Ministry of Transport and Construction of the Slovak Republic. | |
Compatibility tests |
Conducting compatibility tests based on the individual CERTIFICATE OF INSPECTOR’S PROFESSIONAL COMPETENCE issued by the RAIL AUTHORITY pursuant to Act No. 266/1994 Coll. on railway systems. |
Safety of railway signalling systems (ISA) |
Assessment of railway signalling systems (independent safety assessment service, ISA) |
R&D activities | Expert activities based on individually specified requirements. | |
Expert and engineering activities | Expert activities based on individually specified requirements. | |
Approvals of coatings for ČD (Czech Railways) |
Approvals of coating for ČD |
Authorizations, permits granted to VUZ
Title | Description | Downloadable documents |
Railway transport operation |
Authorization granted by the RAIL AUTHORITY pursuant to the Directive 2004/49/EC, Act No. 266/1994 Coll., Regulation No. 376/2006 Coll. and 173/1995 Coll. |
Test track operation | OFFICIAL PERMIT granted by the RAIL AUTHORITY pursuant to Act No. 266/1994 Coll. on rail systems. |
Title | Description | Downloadable documents |
Carbon footprint of the company |
The carbon footprint measures the quantity of greenhouse gases emitted in relation to the company’s activities and indicates the environmental burden derived from the overall environmental footprint. |
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CDP | CDP runs the global environmental disclosure system. Each year CDP supports thousands of companies, cities, states and regions to measure and manage their risks and opportunities on climate change, water security and deforestation. CDP do so at the request of their investors, purchasers and city stakeholders.
Over the last two decades CDP has created a system that has resulted in unparalleled engagement on environmental issues worldwide. |
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