Membership in organizations
VUZ is a member of several associations related to the railway industry.
Association of Accredited and Authorized Organizations (AAAO)
AAAO is an association of legal entities providing services in the field of testing, certification, inspection and assessment of products, management systems, persons and processes. AAAO members operate mainly in the regulated area in relation to the CE marking (both as authorized bodies and notified bodies with authority in the European Union), but also as accredited authorities in the unregulated area of product and service quality.
Czech Technology Platform "Railway Infrastructure Interoperability" (SIZI)
SIZI is an interest association of business entities, universities, research and project organizations in the railway construction sector that are involved in capital construction and maintenance of the railway infrastructure in the Czech Republic in the field of infrastructure, energy, management and security. It aims to link the scientific and technological potential of universities, research and project institutes together with the production potential of construction companies and manufacturers to support members in innovation and increasing of competitiveness, implementation of R&D and testing projects ensuring their current production with a focus on application of railway interoperability requirements, raising funds for implementation of these projects, including involvement of the members in the European activities in this area.
European Rail Research Network of Excellence (EURNEX)
EURNEX is a research project focused on railway and combined transport. It deals with research of railway operation, railway transport, railway vehicles, communication and signalling technology, testing, transport technology, quality, environment and many other areas. The project’s objective is to unify the Europe-wide research and development in railway transport and to create the Network of Excellence bringing together entities offering both research and production capacities for implementation of railway transport projects assigned by companies and state institutions. EURNEX is a part of the 6th Framework Programme of the European Union. It associates more than 60 European institutions, and its team involves 670 people.
NB-Rail Coordination Group
NB-Rail, a coordination group of the notified bodies for interoperability in the EU railway sector, was set up in accordance with Directive 2008/57/EC, Art. 28(5), Decision 768/2008/EC, Art. R17(11) and R30, and the Blue Guide 2014 (5.2.2 a 5.2.4).
NB-Rail Association
The NB-Rail Association is an international non-profit organization of the notified bodies, which was installed to support and complement the activities of NB-RAIL coordination group in the field of EU railway system interoperability. The NB-Rail Association, among other things, actively works together with UNIFE, CER, UIC, CEN, CENELEC, as well as with ERA and the European Commission.
Participation in ÚNMZ (Office for Standards, Metrology and Testing) – VUZ is a member of Technical Standardization Committees: TNK 126 (Electrical Engineering in Transport) and TNK 141 (Railways). (TNKs are installed by ÚNMZ as advisory bodies for technical standardization in the respective field).
International Union of Railways (UIC)
UIC is a worldwide organization for international cooperation among railways and for promotion of railway transport in general. It was established in 1922, it is based in Paris and associates in total 171 members from five continents.
Community of European Railway and Infrastructure Companies (CER)
CER is based in Brussels and it promotes the interests of railway transport operators vis-à-vis the EU institutions. It associates 54 railway transport operators and infrastructure companies. The main CER’s areas of interest include promotion of railways as a sustainable, efficient and environmentally friendly transport system.
VUZ is a member of the EUROLAB-CZ, the Association of Czech Measurement, Testing and Analytical Laboratories. EUROLAB-CZ is an active member of the international association EUROLAB. Download Membership certificate
A need to strengthen activities of the Czech Republic in the field of GNSS application development, testing and deployment led to initiation of cooperation among the key transport segments (air, rail, road) and the industry and foundation of the GNSS Centre of Excellence. Výzkumný Ústav Železniční, a.s. is involved in the association’s activities through the membership of ČD, a.s. (a founding member of the GNSS Centre of Excellence) and contributes to the work on joint projects.