Safety assessment according to 402/2013 – AsBo services
The VUZ inspection body is an accredited assessment body for the purpose of compliance assessment according to the European Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) No 402/2013 in case of technical changes to structural subsystems infrastructure, energy supply, rolling stock, trackside and on-board control-command and signalling systems.
Infrastructure and energy supply:
- Swietelsky Rail CZ: Junction Plzeň, Stage 3 – Domažlice Line Rearrangement
- Berger Bohemia: Pačejov station platform reconstruction and speed increase in the section between km 299,650 and 304,009
- Chládek a Tintěra HB: Přibyslav – station building renovation
- OHL ŽS: Hrušovany (EOV) switch heater safety assessment
Rolling stock:
- Czech Railways: Approval for operation of 841 series diesel trains in long tunnels
- Legios Loco: Sgnss 60´ trains, type 9-580.0; Faccns 49 m3, type 9-442.3
- ŠKODA TRANSPORTATION: NIM-Express – proving of running stability by means of application of suggested measures in relation to NNTR 1.6