Extension of VUZ Authorisation for Safety Assessment

Inspection body No. 4056 of Výzkumný Ústav Železniční, a.s. (VUZ) has been authorised by the Czech Accreditation Institute (ČIA) to carry out independent safety assessment of technical changes to the structural subsystems Infrastructure, Energy Supply, Track-side control and signalling, On-board control and signalling, Rolling stock in the European railway system.

The assessment is carried out in accordance with the single European regulation, namely Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) No 402/2013 of 30 April 2013 on the common safety method for risk evaluation and assessment.

The VUZ inspection body underwent a surveillance audit by the ČIA in September 2023, and it successfully retained its existing authorisation and, in addition, extended its authorisation with two new subsystems. These cover the independent assessment of the risk management process of the functional subsystem "Maintenance" and the independent assessment of the " Safe System Integration" within the whole railway system. The VUZ Inspection Body has been the first assessor in the Czech Republic to be authorised to assess "Safe Integration".