NB-Rail meeting in Prague
Výzkumný Ústav Železniční, a.s. holds a NB-Rail meeting in Prague. Notified Bodies from all over Europe associated in the Infrastructure subgroup will meet for discussion on 12 September 2023. NB-Rail is a coordination group of Notified Bodies established by the European Commission in accordance with the principles set out in the Interoperability Directive No 2016/797, the Decision No 768/2008/EC on a common framework for the marketing of products, and last but not least on the basis of the "Blue Guide" 2016/C 272/01.
The main role of NB-Rail is to prevent different Notified Bodies from applying different approaches in the process of assessing of application of TSI requirements. NB-Rail thus effectively eliminates the cases that would lead to a reduced level of interoperability and to additional technical and economic burden. NB-Rail also issues several types of documents that are directly related to the process of application of interoperability, and thus effectively influences the process of applying the requirements of individual TSIs throughout Europe.
Výzkumný Ústav Železniční, a.s. is also a founding member of the NB-Rail Association, which supports, complements and extends the activities of NB-Rail.