Seat testing

On top of comfort, the main property tested in case of seats is safety. The seat design has been moving forward continuously, and that is why we pay active attention to this area and related new knowledge. Thanks to that, we can offer testing based on the technical specification, as well as based on customer’s requirements.

What is Tested:

  • Static strength of seats in accordance with M15.16 (UIC 566)
  • Individual seat components


Test Bench Basic Parameters:

  • As every seat is unique, a unique custom-made test bench is assembled for every test.
  • The test duration depends on the test complexity and customer’s requirements, as well on the seat structure; it ranges between 2–5 days.


Options and Advantages:

  • Static tests within the scope of accreditation can be performed in the Dynamic Test Lab7oratory hall.
  • Fatigue tests in accordance with the external regulation or based on customer’s individual requirements.
  • The objective is to check the static strength of the seat and its loading in real operating conditions.
  • Based on our long-term experience, we can offer a solution supported by FEM to the customer.



  • BORCAD cz s.r.o. | Seat tests
  • C.I.E.B. Kahovec, spol. s r.o. | Frequency test and vibration test of the operator’s seat of a heavy-duty earth-moving vehicle


Product sheet