Electromagnetic compatibility tests
In VUZ testing laboratory we measure electromagnetic compatibility with communication and security devices.
Test portfolio:
- Testing methods in accordance with ČSN EN 50121-3-1, ČSN CLC/TS 50238-2 and national standard ČSN 34 2613
- Measurement of traction currents and magnetic fields emitted by the vehicle
- Examination of disturbance of control-command systems
- Wheel detector compatibility tests according to ERA/ERTMS/033281 and ČSN CLC/TS 50238-3
Technical equipment:
- Dewesoft and NI based modular measurement technology
- Measuring car for central power supply source testing
Reference projects:
- Alstom
- Škoda Transportation
- Siemens
- Bombardier Transportation
- CZ Loko
- Stadler