Noise, vibration and lighting tests
These tests measure parameters of rolling stock affecting humans and the environment, including noise, lighting, and vibration tests.
Test portfolio:
- Noise measurement according to TSI Noise, TSI PRM, TSI LOC&PAS and ČSN EN ISO 3381, ČSN EN ISO 3095 standards
- Measurement of internal noise emission in driver's cab and in passenger area
- Measurement of external noise emission
- Measurement of infrasound levels
- Measurement of intelligibility of communication equipment using the STIPA method according to ČSN EN 60268-16 and TSI PRM
- Measurement of parameters of the test noise track section (rail acoustic roughness measurement) according to ČSN EN 15610 and ČSN EN 15461
- Measurement of interior and exterior lighting of rolling stock according to ČSN EN 13272-1, ČSN EN 13272-2, ČSN EN 15153-1 and ČSN EN 15153-3
- Measurement of vibration affecting passengers
- Measurement of vibration in the driver's cab
- Measurement of whole vibration and hand-transmitted vibration in the driver's cab and on passenger seats according to ČSN ISO 2631, ČSN EN ISO 5349
Technical equipment:
- Measuring equipment based on Brüel & Kjær
- Possibility of measuring up to 12 channels
- Noise track section with parameters according to TSI NOI
- Measuring technology for light tests from the manufacturer GOSSEN Foto-und Lichtmesstechnik GmbH
Reference projects:
- Siemens: passenger coaches
- Stadler: passenger coaches, electric power units
- Bombardier: Traxx locomotives
- ŽOS Vrútky: units, passenger coaches
- ŽOS Trnava: passenger coaches
- CZ Loko: diesel locomotives
- Tatravagonka: freight wagons
- Greenbrier: freight wagons
- DPOV: passenger coaches
- CAF: diesel and electric power units
- PESA: diesel units